28 april 2020

Maandag 4 mei nieuwe Technogym Talk: Discovering the consumer landscape post lock-down (Engels)

28 april 2020
Technogym Talks: The Experts' Perspective

Technogym organiseert diverse online webinars samen met experts uit de health, fitness en sportsector wereldwijd die hun kennis en ervaring delen over hoe om te gaan met de huidige situatie. 

Op maandag 4 mei is er een exclusief webinar over hoe het consumentenlandschap eruit zal komen te zien na de lock-down periode in de 1,5 meter maatschappij. Gastspreker van dit webinar is Ken Hughes, internationaal expert op het gebied van consumenten- en koopgedrag. Let op dit webinar is in het Engels. Zie hieronder voor meer informatie en aanmelden. 

Klik hier om aan te melden

The Captive Economy – Maximising the new consumer landscape post lock-down

Technogym are delighted to introduce a webinar on the consumer landscape post lock down to help give you insight, information and practical advice. This webinar will be by Ken Hughes, leading international Consumer and Shopper Behaviouralist, the challenges and opportunities.

Challenges and opportunities lay head: Technogym helps you to be prepared to the new normal through Ken’s thoughts, knowledge and perspective.
Be prepared to be inspired!
Monday 4th May, 2020
3:00 PM (CEST)

About the speaker: Ken Hughes

Ken is acknowledged as being one of the world’s leading authorities on modern consumer culture. He advises some of the biggest brands in the world on customer experience, omnichannel strategy and customer loyalty.
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